Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who we are and what we want

WE are really just me right now. I am hoping to become we in very short order. I have decided that there needs to be an active group of people, medical professionals and non-medical people, who wish to actively work for enactment of the 'Nurse Licensure Compact' in more states. My eventual goal would be to create a true national nursing license. In future posts, I will go in to the reasons why I feel this is necessary. I will also address the objections that some have over the passage of the compact. I hope to make everyone aware of where bills are introduced in the states that have not yet adopted the compact and the status of those bills. For now, I just wanted to get a group started and build from there. If you feel as I do, you are welcome to 'hop on board', as it were, and help build a grassroots movement toward passage in more states. If you are one of those against the compact, you are welcome as well as I am truly interested in hearing and discussing your objections. If anyone knows of any discussion currently happening out there, please let me know and I will be sure to 'get the word out'. For now, welcome and let's get started.


  1. I am a MN RN, with additional licensures in 3 of MN Border States. I have been working with my legislators and multiple professional nursing organizations to see the NLC successfully pass in MN during the 2010 legislative session. I have been working to see successful passage of the bill since 2007, with bills presented in 2008 & 2009. I also am part of a national task force and know that IL, PA, FL NJ and OK will also have NLC bills presented in their respective states in 2010. Implementation goals are all by 2011 to allow for states to adapt regulatory systems. I have developed a CEU program which meets CEU guidelines in all 50 states regarding the NLC- it is however MN specific. With the health Care Reform debate in high gear, the NLC needs to be passed in all 50 states. The NLC maintains the state's Sovereign right to maintain regulatory authority over nurse practice. Our patients are mobile, regulatory authority needs to change to meet the needs of ou patients so there is access to safe, quality nursing care.

  2. Thanks so much for the information and commants. I must confess, I had somewhat let this blog just sit out here in cyberspace without adding any new material as I had no indication anyone else even knew it was here. I am now motivated to want to continue posting and move this forward. May I ask, is the national task force you spoke of organized in such a way as to accept new member/workers? This sounds very much like what I was dreaming to create with this blog, but if it already exists, why reinvent the wheel.


Thank you very much for your input.